As you can imagine the changes to double glazing

Back then even single glazed aluminium in a hardwood frame were regarded as improvement to the constantly rotting and time consuming softwood window or the peeling paint from the stiff to use Steel window!
Then sealed units made their appearance followed swiftly by the chunky Germanic UPVC window.
Even back then Broadland Windows were different as we adopted a pvc Clad Aluminium system as our default offered product.
This type is still requested to date and in fact we recently completed £180,000 contract using the same for a Retirement Housing development in Norwich.

The preference of 'skilled' manufacture processes rather than a production line took Broadland Windows away from making any PVCu at all and concentrating on Hardwood and Aluminium only.
We elected to buy in the 'expertise' and Kite Marking of ready made windows from BS7012 holding company.
The changes to timber finishing technology has meant that the Hardwood products we offer had longer re-coat times (particularly opaque colours rather than stains)
The utilising of Aluminium in the retail market transferred well to the Commercial world and the relationships with Construction Companies in the region, and specifiers such as Architects and Local Authorities.
We developed and trained our workforce. We invested in time saving machinery. We invested in Health & Safety systems.
The result is a Company who offers the right glazing solutions and products, selling at a price which ensures the installation can be serviced for its lifetime and that one installation will generate the next crop of clients/projects whether Commercial or Retail.
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